miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Why I don't eat raw vegetables as a vegan

Hi guys! Today I decided to write this post in English, you know, to practise a little bit (I have a very important English exam tomorrow!) So if you find some grammar mistakes, you'll know why.

I didn't tell you about this, but I am vegan. This means that I don't consume any animal products (either fur or meat, eggs, diary, honey, animal tested products etc.)
As a observer teenager, I came to the conclusion that the vast majority of the vegan community have the idea that vegetables are ALWAYS better if they are raw, and if they are cooked ''they lose their nutricional value''. Raw vegans are a prove of this.


So I did my research on this theory, and with a naked eye everyone would confirm this. So I tried to eat my veggies raw starting off by cooking them less and preparing big salads more often, to prove how my body responds to it (without the intention of stop eating beans, grains, cereals, etc.)

I never felt so sick in my short life.

I don't know if it was the chewing process, the bloating after eating raw vegetables, the horrible taste or how my meal time was nothing but a torture. Maybe it was the headache that made my decision to last one day.

But I didn't gave up that quickly; I thought that my body was getting used to this nutrient dense food! (feel the sarcasm) so weeks later I tried to make salads with awesome (and fatty) dressings, with legums and seeds. Nope. And today, after doing a pasta salad (P-A-S-T-A) I threw my plate away without finishing it and I headed to the kithen and baked a yummy sweet potato to take off the awful taste of raw onion of my mouth.


Raw veganism is for brave and strong people, with strange taste buds. If you want to try to incorporate more raw veggies in your diet, you're forewarned. 

But let's be honest, spinach and banana smoothies are sensational.

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